Entity-Purchase Agreements


What Are Entity-Purchase Agreements?

Entity-purchase agreements are legal contracts that outline the terms and conditions of a transaction involving the sale and purchase of a business entity, such as a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company.

These agreements detail the responsibilities and rights of the buyers and sellers and address various aspects of the transaction, including purchase price, payment terms, assets and liabilities being transferred, representations and warranties, and pre-closing and post-closing covenants.

Entity-purchase agreements play a critical role in mergers and acquisitions, business restructurings, and other transactions involving the transfer of ownership or control of a business entity.

They help to provide a framework for the negotiation, due diligence, and completion of the transaction, while also serving to protect the interests of both buyers and sellers.

Key Components of Entity-Purchase Agreements

Parties Involved


These are the entities or individuals who acquire the ownership or a portion of the target entity. Their responsibilities and rights are clearly defined in the agreement.

The buyer's primary responsibilities include conducting due diligence, negotiating the terms, and making the necessary payments as agreed upon.


The sellers are the current owners or shareholders of the target entity. They are responsible for providing accurate information about the business, its assets, and liabilities. The seller must also ensure that all the necessary legal and regulatory requirements are met.

Other Relevant Stakeholders

Depending on the specific transaction, other stakeholders may also be involved. These could include lenders, investors, advisors, and regulatory bodies.

Purchase Price and Payment Terms

Valuation Methods

Several methods can be employed to determine the value of the target entity. Common valuation approaches include discounted cash flow analysis, comparable company analysis, and precedent transactions analysis.

Payment Schedule and Methods

The payment terms in an entity-purchase agreement should clearly outline the timing and methods of payment. This may include a combination of cash, stocks, or other forms of consideration.

The agreement may also include provisions for milestone payments, escrow arrangements, or earn-out provisions based on the target's future performance.

Escrow Arrangements, if Applicable

Escrow arrangements can be used to secure a portion of the purchase price to ensure that certain conditions or contingencies are met. This can provide additional protection for both the buyer and the seller in the event of disputes or unforeseen circumstances.

Assets and Liabilities

Identification of Assets Being Transferred

The entity-purchase agreement must clearly list and describe the assets being transferred, which may include tangible assets, such as property, equipment, and inventory, as well as intangible assets, such as intellectual property, contracts, and goodwill.

Assumption of Liabilities

The agreement should also specify which liabilities the buyer is assuming from the seller. This may include outstanding debts, obligations, and legal liabilities.

Exclusions or Reservations of Specific Assets or Liabilities

In some cases, certain assets or liabilities may be excluded from the transaction or reserved for future disposition. These should be clearly identified and addressed in the agreement.

Representations and Warranties

Seller's Representations and Warranties

The seller typically makes certain representations and warranties to the buyer regarding the target entity's operations, financial condition, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

These may cover topics such as the accuracy of financial statements, the absence of undisclosed liabilities, and the ownership of intellectual property rights.

Buyer's Representations and Warranties

The buyer also makes representations and warranties to the seller, which may include the buyer's financial capability to complete the transaction, the absence of litigation, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Disclosure Schedules and Exceptions

The entity-purchase agreement may include disclosure schedules that list specific exceptions to the representations and warranties. These schedules help to clarify the scope of the representations and warranties and provide a basis for indemnification claims if any inaccuracies are discovered.

Covenants and Conditions

Pre-Closing Covenants

These covenants outline the actions that both parties agree to take before closing the transaction. This may include obtaining regulatory approvals, maintaining the target entity's business operations, or satisfying any other pre-closing conditions.

Closing Conditions

Closing conditions are specific requirements that must be met before the transaction can be finalized. These may include regulatory approvals, the completion of due diligence, or the fulfillment of certain financial or operational benchmarks.

Post-Closing Covenants

These covenants outline the parties' obligations and commitments after the transaction is complete. They may include agreements on non-competition, non-solicitation, indemnification, or transition support.

Key Components of Entity-Purchase Agreements

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Regulatory Approvals and Filings

Certain transactions may require regulatory approvals or filings with the appropriate authorities. These may include antitrust or competition clearances, securities filings, or industry-specific approvals.

Antitrust and Competition Laws

Entity-purchase agreements may be subject to review by antitrust or competition authorities to ensure that the transaction does not result in an undue concentration of market power.

Parties must be mindful of these laws and ensure that their transaction is structured in a manner that complies with applicable regulations.

Employment and Labor Laws

The transfer of ownership in an entity-purchase agreement may have implications for the employees of the target entity. Parties should be aware of and address any potential issues related to employment contracts, labor laws, and employee benefits.

Environmental and Safety Regulations

The buyer must ensure that the target entity complies with all relevant environmental and safety regulations. This may include conducting environmental assessments, obtaining permits, or addressing any existing non-compliance issues.

Intellectual Property and Licensing Considerations

The transfer of intellectual property rights and licenses is a critical aspect of many entity-purchase agreements. Parties must carefully address the transfer and protection of these rights, as well as any potential issues related to third-party licenses or infringements.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Risk Management and Mitigation

Due Diligence Process


A thorough legal due diligence process is essential for both the buyer and the seller to identify potential risks and liabilities associated with the target entity. This process typically includes a review of the target's contracts, litigation history, and regulatory compliance.


Financial due diligence involves a comprehensive examination of the target entity's financial statements, tax filings, and other financial records. This process helps the buyer assess the financial health and stability of the target and identify any potential risks or liabilities.


Operational due diligence focuses on the target entity's business operations, including its processes, systems, and infrastructure. This can help the buyer identify potential efficiency improvements and assess the compatibility of the target's operations with its own.

Indemnification and Liability Provisions

The entity-purchase agreement should include indemnification provisions that protect both parties from losses arising from breaches of representations, warranties, or covenants. These provisions should clearly define the scope and limitations of each party's liability.

Purchase Price Adjustments and Earn-Outs

Purchase price adjustments and earn-outs can be used as mechanisms to manage risks and uncertainties associated with the target entity's future performance. These provisions should be carefully negotiated and structured to align the interests of both parties.

Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

The agreement should include dispute resolution mechanisms, such as arbitration or mediation, to address any disputes that may arise during the transaction process. These mechanisms can provide a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to litigation.

Closing Process and Post-Closing Obligations

Closing Deliverables and Conditions Precedent

The entity-purchase agreement should specify the required closing deliverables and conditions precedent that must be satisfied before the transaction can be finalized. This may include executed contracts, regulatory approvals, or other documentation.

Post-Closing Adjustments and Notifications

Post-closing adjustments may be necessary to account for any changes in the target entity's financial condition or operations that occur between signing and closing.

Additionally, the parties may be required to provide notifications to relevant stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, or regulatory authorities, following the completion of the transaction.

Integration and Transition Planning

Effective integration and transition planning is crucial to the success of an entity-purchase agreement. This may involve the development of a detailed integration plan, addressing issues such as employee communication, systems integration, and the alignment of business processes.

Entity-Purchase Agreement Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

Effective Negotiation Strategies

Both buyers and sellers should approach negotiations with a clear understanding of their objectives and priorities. This includes being well-prepared with accurate information, a strong understanding of the target entity's operations, and a willingness to compromise when necessary.

Importance of Thorough Due Diligence

Conducting thorough due diligence is essential to identify and address potential risks and liabilities associated with the target entity. Inadequate due diligence can lead to unforeseen problems and disputes after the transaction has closed.

Avoiding Common Drafting Errors

To ensure a smooth transaction process, parties should take care to avoid common drafting errors in the entity-purchase agreement. This includes using clear and unambiguous language, consistently defining terms, and ensuring that all necessary provisions are included.

Ensuring Clear Communication and Alignment of Expectations

Clear communication and alignment of expectations between the parties are vital for a successful transaction. This includes regular updates on the progress of the transaction, addressing concerns or questions promptly, and maintaining open lines of communication throughout the process.


Entity-purchase agreements play a crucial role in transactions involving the sale and purchase of a business entity.

Key components include clearly defining the parties involved, addressing the purchase price and payment terms through proper valuation methods, identifying assets being transferred and liabilities being assumed, and establishing representations, warranties, and disclosure schedules.

Pre-closing and post-closing covenants and conditions, along with legal and regulatory considerations, such as obtaining regulatory approvals and complying with antitrust, labor, environmental, and intellectual property laws, are also essential.

Risk management and mitigation involve conducting thorough due diligence, incorporating indemnification and liability provisions, and implementing dispute resolution mechanisms.

The closing process and post-closing obligations, including adjustments, notifications, and integration planning, should be carefully managed.

To ensure a successful transaction, parties should follow best practices such as effective negotiation strategies, thorough due diligence, avoiding drafting errors, and maintaining clear communication and alignment of expectations.

Entity-Purchase Agreements FAQs

What is an entity-purchase agreement?

An entity-purchase agreement is a legally binding contract between the owners of a business entity, such as a corporation or limited liability company, which outlines the terms and conditions of a potential sale of the entity's ownership interests in the event of the death, disability, retirement, or other triggering events of one of the owners.

Why is an entity-purchase agreement important?

An entity-purchase agreement is important because it helps ensure a smooth transfer of ownership in the event of an owner's death, disability, or retirement. It provides a mechanism for the remaining owners to purchase the departing owner's share of the business and prevent unwanted or unfamiliar parties from becoming co-owners.

Who typically enters into an entity-purchase agreement?

Owners of businesses structured as corporations, limited liability companies (LLCs), or other types of entities can enter into entity-purchase agreements. It is particularly important for businesses with multiple owners or partners, as it can help prevent disputes and provide a clear exit strategy.

What should be included in an entity-purchase agreement?

An entity-purchase agreement should include details such as the purchase price of the departing owner's share, how the purchase price will be determined, and the payment terms. It should also address how the purchase will be funded, such as through insurance policies or other financing arrangements. The agreement should outline the triggering events that would require a purchase, the procedure for conducting the purchase, and any restrictions on transferring ownership interests.

Do I need an attorney to draft an entity-purchase agreement?

Yes, it is recommended that you work with an experienced attorney to draft an entity-purchase agreement that meets your specific needs and requirements. An attorney can help ensure that the agreement complies with applicable laws and regulations and addresses all potential issues that may arise in the future.


About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.

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