New Commercial Construction Site

A potential applicant for Site Plan Review must request a pre application meeting, with the Planning Department Staff, prior to filing an application. The purpose of this meeting is to provide the potential applicant with information regarding land development policies, procedures, standards and requirements of the City in terms of the proposed development.

Submitting Your Project

Application for site plan review may be made by the owner(s) of record or by any person acting on behalf of the owner of record of the subject parcel. Accompanying this application should be proof of ownership, or legal sales agreement, 16 full sets of collated and folded plans for the proposed development, one digital copy on CD and the application fee. Please designate one contact person to work with the city.

Administrative Review

1. Upon initial filing, all site plans are reviewed by an Administrative Review Committee ( ARC ) (made up of representatives from the City’s Planning, Building, Engineering, Water, Police and Fire Departments) for their review. Plan is either forwarded to Planning Commission or returned to the applicant for re submission, as necessary. The Committee meets each Tuesday to review plans. (Applicants do not attend this meeting). Projects must have ARC recommendation prior to being placed on the Planning Commission’s agenda.

2. Prior to being placed on the Planning Commission agenda, the following must be submitted to the Planning Department:

Post ARC Conference

The Planning Department may require a post Administrative Review Meeting with the applicant to discuss plan revisions, prior to plan re submittal, Administrative or Planning Commission approval.

Planning Commission

Planning Commission meets at 7 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month in the City Council Chambers. Planning Commission will review and hear comments to the proposed project at the public hearing. The applicant is scheduled to give their presentation of their proposed development at this time. Planning Commission will either recommend approval, approval with modifications, denial, or tabling of the proposed project. If approved, the approval expires in 18 months if no building permits have been applied for. Planning Commission also makes a recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals in the case of variances. A performance guarantee may be required at the time of approval to assure completion of site improvements.

Performance Guarantee

To ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance and any condition imposed there under, the Planning Commission may require that a cash deposit, certified check or irrevocable bank letter of credit, covering the estimated cost of improvements associated with the project be deposited with the clerk of the City to ensure that the improvements are completed. The performance guarantee (if required) should be deposited at the time of the issuance of the building permit. It is refunded upon completion of the project.


After Planning Commission approval, final plans are submitted for Engineering review. Submittal should include a construction cost estimate and the review fee. No building permits will be issued until the engineering approvals have been obtained. Building permits are issued by the Building Department.


After Planning Commission approval, final plans are submitted for Engineering review. Submittal should include a construction cost estimate and the review fee. No building permits will be issued until the engineering approvals have been obtained. Building permits are issued by the Building Department.