New york state boiler inspection requirements

A boiler inspector inspects boilers (fired pressure vessels) and pressure vessels to determine if they meet the safety and insurability standards of insurance companies.

Certification Requirements

Applicants seeking to become a certified New York State Boiler Inspector must submit an application to the New York State Department of Labor.

To work in the New York State private sector as a boiler inspector, one must be employed by an insurance company licensed to write machinery insurance in New York State. Such private sector boiler inspectors must obtain a Certificate of Competency, renewable annually, from the New York State Labor Department, Division of Safety and Health, the Boiler Safety Bureau.

Age Requirements

Applicants seeking to become a certified boiler inspector in New York State must be at least 21 years of age.

Education Requirements

No minimum education attainment is required to become a certified boiler inspector in New York State. However, education may be substituted for experience in specific circumstances.

Experience Requirements

Applicants seeking certification as a boiler inspector in New York State shall have had at least 5 years of consecutive or discontinuous practical experience in any of the following occupations, or any combination of these occupational areas:

  1. boilermaking
  2. boiler installation
  3. boiler shop practice
  4. boiler operation and maintenance
  5. boiler inspection

As an alternative, in part, to experience in these five areas of experience, applicants may pursue and obtain technical education and/or special training which the New York State Labor Commissioner may determine are equivalent or acceptable.

Certificates Issued and Active

In 2021, there were 339 certificates issued and active.
As of March 1, 2021 there were 339 active licenses for this occupation.

Certification Authority

New York State Department of Labor
Division of Safety and Health
Boiler Safety Bureau
State Office Campus, Building 12, Room 165
Albany, New York 12240-0001
Phone: (518) 457-2722
Fax: (518) 485-9077

Authorizing Statute -- Section 204 of the New York State Labor Law.

Standard Occupational Classification

47-4011 - Construction and Building Inspectors
To learn more about this occupation search the Occupational Information Network (O*Net).

Additional Information


Fees stated and other information contained in this report are subject to change. Please contact the licensing authority listed above for the most current information.

This page was last updated on 2/17/21.

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